May 25, 2016

Ways to Make New Friends When You Move


Moving to a new neighbourhood or a new city can be tough. When work, family, or relationships require us to pack up our things, relocate, and put down roots some place far from home, we have to work on building friendships all over again. And as adults with established histories, friendships, and professions, it’s often extremely difficult to reach out to strangers. Once we reach a certain age, meeting new people and forming new adult bonds doesn’t come as naturally as it did when we were young.
Whether you’re renting a home in a cozy suburban neighbourhood or you’ve relocated to a massive high-rise in an urban metropolis, getting to know the people closest to you doesn’t have to be as scary or challenging as it might seem.  Here are few tips to break the ice!!
Have the Right Attitude - First off, you’ve got to embrace the idea of welcoming new friendships into your life. This means projecting a positive, friendly, and outgoing demeanor that others will naturally respond to. If you’re living in a busy apartment building, remember to smile, make eye contact, and say hello to those you share the elevator, stairs, or lobby with. Making small talk is also a good way to break the ice and gets you one step closer to learning about someone new.
Accept Invitations and Attend Events -  If you’re asked to attend something — a dinner party, a casual drink, a game night, a cocktail party, or something similar — you should make every effort to show. Try to say yes to invitations you deem appropriate. Obviously, use common sense, and never accept an invitation from someone who makes you feel uncomfortable.
Be Visible-  In an apartment building, being visible means actually spending time in communal areas — games rooms, patios, pools, gyms, entertainment rooms, and so forth. It also means spending time on your balcony. For those living in houses, this means spending more time on your front lawn (or on your porch) than in the back. Sit out with a cold drink in the summer or invest time in a garden project. The more you’re seen around the house, the more chances you’ll strike up a conversation with a passerby and make a new contact.


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